Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I open the window on a dazzling afternoon
For no reason, I run down a shady path.
I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and
imagine out the stage settings for my tomorrows.
The new page that i have imagined.
I paint onto a clean, white canvas.
Without heeding the opposing headwind, I clear my path
and continue creating this never-ending Brand New Story.
Wonderful days.
On the zebra-stripes of the crosswalk
when the light turns green.
I run across, stepping only on the white lines
like a child.
If i could stay this way forever... fanned by a gentle breeze...
staying true to myself.
If i could do that.
I face the distant sky and stretch out both hands
in order to realise my hopes and dreams
I entrust them to the future and set them free.

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